vendredi 23 janvier 2009

iTunes-FLAC 1.0.2


iTunes-FLAC 1.0.2 | 2,8 MB Play FLACs in iTunes with no conversion

giving you the ability to convert them

What it does
- This app installs some support files to make you possible to play 16bit encoded FLACs files using iTunes without modify, convert or duplicate them.
- Give you the ability to convert FLACs file from inside iTunes.
- Provide an un-installer to remove the previous mentioned support files.

How to
Just drag and drop your FLACs files on "iTunes-Flac" and a list of iTunes ready to go files will be provided in return


- You can't add artworks
- You can't play FLACs encoded files on your iPod. You’ll have to convert them into one of the 6 formats officially recognized by Apple (lossy: MP3, AAC and MPEG-4; lossless: Apple Lossless, AIFF, WAV) to listen to that music on your iPod.
- No support for 24bit encoded FLACs.


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